Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Sorry to be so bitchy...

One of the first things I did when I started this blog was promise it wouldn't be an MS Bash fest or a bunch of whining. Looking at the last couple of posts I realize it's not working that way.

I promise to try and avoid microsoft bashing like this and talk about some of the other technologies I work with. I really am a strong proponent of the Windows OS and a number of MS tools, I'm just frustrated by the direction they seem to be taking with a lot of their products.

There is no better working environment desktop OS in my opinion. There may be a work environment here and there that is particularly suited to Linux or BSD desktops but I'll keep turning to the swiss army knife of OS's and install windows. So long as the knife is small enough to fit in my pocket, that is.

1 comment:

Jer said...

Swiss army knife. Nice.